The Kelpafornia Series is Complete

Kelpafornia Series for Heal the Bay by Erik Abel The third and final painting in the Kelpafornia series for Heal the Bay is finished.  It looks like I was feelin' the colors of Autumn in this one.

As with the others, we've released "Kelpafornia 3" as an 18"x24" print on fine bamboo paper as well as a limited edition 20"x30" print mounted on a 3/4" bamboo plywood panel.  But instead of an edition on 10 like the others, we're doing a timed release Oct 3 - Oct 11.  So that means the edition size depends on how many prints are sold during that time period.  They will be signed and numbered accordingly.  And of course, 15% of all sales go directly to Heal the Bay to help keep that sand and salty water clean.

Get the 18"x24" print HERE >

Get the 20"x30" "Kelpafornia 3, Bamboo print HERE> (Sorry, time is up)

***UPDATE:  We still have a few of the "Kelpafornia 1" 20x30 inch print on bamboo plywood available HERE. Kelpafornia 2 and 3 are sold out.